All About

About five or six years ago, I was reading some posts on a discussion board about alternative fuels. It was clear after reading all the comments posted to this particular discussion board, there was a lot of inaccurate information out there regarding alternative fuels and renewable energy. Keep in mind, these discussions were taking place during a time where the U.S. economy was booming, everyone was making money, and who really cared how much gasoline or natural gas cost. No one really taked much about a "green economy" or ways to cut down our reliance on coal and petroleum.
Move ahead to the present and mindsets have changed. The pendulum had swung from gluttony to frugality and now is the time to start thinking about saving our natural resources and our plant in general. We need to develop ways to harness renewable energy sources, recycle, reuse and reduce trash, implementing the technology we already have and expounding on these technologies. Never before in our history have we been faced with a such monumental challenge - save the planet!
This lack of accurate information regarding solar energy, wind energy, carbon credits, and how to "Go Green" was the catalyst for developing and maintaining this website. There is more and more information on the internet and in the news but sometimes it may be a bit to technical. On this site, I have tried to break things down into easy to understand concepts and also attempted to give you ideas on how you can make your life more green and eco-friendly. The average person does not have a lot of extra money to spend, and making green living affordable and attainable is what I am trying to convey on this site.
I hope you find the information on this site useful and if there is any information you would like to share, please send it my way. We all need to work together in this quest for utilizing more renewable energy sources, developing alternative fuels, and saving our planet.