Conserve Water
- Greywater Recycling and Re-use
- Strategies and Techniques for Successful Rainwater Harvesting
- The Bottled Water Controversy: The Environmental Impact on the Planet
- Conservation of Water
Conserve Energy
- Waste-to-Energy - Generating Electricity From Garbage
- Low and No Cost Household Energy Savings Tips
- Ways to Conserve Natural Resources in the Workplace
- Living Alone Can Be a Golden Opportunity to Live Green
Conservation Through Recycling
- Recycling Statistics for the United States
- Paper or Plastic Bags? Neither, Please
- Conserve Paper: Opt Out of Phonebooks and Junk Mail
- Sixty-Five Creative Uses for Household Discards
- How to Make Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies From Simple Household Items
- Useful and Fun Ways to Recycle Wine Corks
Conservation may be defined as the act of balancing the needs of the environment with the needs of humanity. As a human race, we depend on the planet Earth for our sustenance, our livelihoods and our very survival. The best way to practice energy conservation is to use less energy in your home and to recycle waste products whenever possible. What we take from it must be taken responsibly so that it will continue to be available for future generations. We need to practice water conservation and energy preservation by going green with more green living aspects in our lives.
The primary focus of conservation efforts on our planet are directed toward promoting and maintaining the healthful balance of the natural world, including forests, fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity. In order to accomplish these broader efforts, there are many tiers of "secondary focus" we can all participate in such as water conservation, energy conservation, and recycling. All of these efforts grouped together, comprising the philosophy of "going green", are actions we as individuals can start taking today. Ultimately, these actions will determine our planet’s fate, and this impacts us all.