Green Building Articles
- Green Building Practices
- The History of Green Building
- LEED Green Building Certification - What is it?
- Green Roofing
- Choose Non-Toxic Paints for Your Home
- Use Formaldehyde-Free Cabinets
- Eco-Friendly Appliances
- Reclaimed Wood, Bamboo and Cork Flooring
- Design a Greener Bathroom and Bedroom for Your Home
- L.A. - Home to Most EnergyStar Buildings
- What is the "Energy Performance Score" of Your Home?
How To Build a Greener Home
Green Building, also known as Green Contruction or Sustainable Building, is creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible. This type of building takes into account using energy efficiently, protecting occupant health, and reducing waste and pollution. The ultimate goal is to build a house or office building that will have minimal impact on the environment.
A Zero Energy home is a home that produces as much energy as it consumes - an idea whose time has come! More and more information and ideas are coming out to help homeowners build a green house from the bottom up or remodeling to make their home greener and use less energy.